We make 10-30 gyrs per year for
sale globally and can quarantine
for EU shipments.

Buy Gyrfalcons

falcons by Tim Hickok

Thanks for your support over the last several years. After selling most of our project to friends at the Emirates Falconers' Club, we are slowly reconstituting ourselves to focus on a line of birds unavailable anywhere in the world.

Our gyrs are limited in number but just as gorgeous as the beautiful 2012 female you see presented here. We encourage you to browse through the gallery, and for current pictures and events, "like" our Facebook version of gyrs.com.

Thanks again for visiting. If you’d like to buy a falcon, please click on the “contact” link to the left.

NOTE TO U.S. RESIDENTS: Since these birds are native to North America, I can only sell to those who are licensed to possess them. There is a link on how to get started in falconry on the "contact" page.